Marilah kaum Muslimin kita majukan masyarakat islam dengan berbisnis secara islami. semoga kita diberikan kekuatan oleh Allah SWT agar bisa membuat Islam rohmatan lil 'alamin Bisnis ala Muslim yang menDunia: Desember 2009

Kamis, 31 Desember 2009

Setting modem untuk IM2

Banyak pertanyaan yang sering muncul diantara teman-teman kita yang baru mengenal internet dan modem tentang bagaimana mensetting modem untuk IM2 dengan berbagai jenis modem yang ada dipasaran. Dalam kesempatan ini saya akan memberikan link yang langsung mengarah ke IM2 website.
Silakan klik link dibawah ini:

Jika anda sudah menjadi member silakan anda login dulu dengan menggunakan user dan password anda. setelah itu anda bisa mengecek untuk setting modem di setting modem menu.

Selamat mencoba .....

Sabtu, 19 Desember 2009

Google adwords

Let's go we will learn about Google adwords. Dont' worry, you will learn with us. thanks for your time to get knowledge from us.You will have seen Adwords in action before. They are those little text ads that appear down the right hand side of Google's search results. they are an amazingly powerful methode of advertising. The ads are you see are 100% related to the keywords that you type into a search.This means, that as an Adwords advertiser you are capable of displaying your ads in front of an audience that is already interested in your products or services. never before have business been able to conduct their advertising in such a highly targeted manner.

If your internet company rented holiday properties in spain for example, you could set up your Adwords ads to appeat only when someone typed in keywords like "spanish, spain, holiday, rental, villas, apartments, properties", etc.

Of course, this all comes at a price. as an advertiser, you have to pay Google every time somebody clicks on one of your ads, not knowing how to cost their system,the genuises at google came up with the idea of letting their advertiser bid aagainst each other for the value of their chosen keywords.

This means, that if I wanted my ad to be displayed the most often when someone types the key phrase "spanish holidays" into google, I would have to out bid the advertiser who currently comes top of the list for this key phrase.

The internet has matured as a result of PPC advertising. the embarassing days of the dot coms are well and truly behind us. the value of online business can now be measured because ppc advertising is a dynamic system that reflects real world supply and demand.

with ppc advertising, google has enabled small online business fo flourish,whilst making tens of billions for themselves.

Jumat, 18 Desember 2009

Menguangkan blog dengan Google Adsense

Google Adsense adalah program pay per Click (PPC) atau paid to advertise (PTA) milik raksasa perusahaan google search engine. ini boleh dibilang telah menjadi istilah untuk menyebut program bisnis online yang sedang trend pada saat ini. Google adsense adalah salah satu pilihan bisnis online untuk anda, meskipun sebenarnya masih ada banyak program-program monetisasi blog anda berbasis PPC lain yang bisa kita ikuti. jika kita memiliki blog/situs tidak ada salahnya kita mencoba program-program PPC/PTA. namun sebelum bergabung sebaiknya kita pelajari terlebih dahulu dengan seksama TOS atau terms of service nya masing-masing program agar terhindar dari hal-hal yang mungkin merugikan kita.

berikut daftar PPC atau PTA, :
1. Google Adsense
2. Bidvertiser
3. Adbrite
4. Kontera
5. WidgetBucks
6. YesAdvertising
7. Text Link Ads (TLA)
8. Chitika
9. Clicksor
10. Yahoo Publisher Network
11. TTZ Media
12. AzoogleAds
13. BlogAds
14. LinkWorth
15. MediaFed
16. Q-Ads
17. Tribal Fusion
18. Pheedo
19. PeakClick
20. Targetpoint
21. RevenuePilot
22. ROIRocket
23. Industrybrains
24. Onemonkey
25. Kliksaya
26. Kumpulblogger
27. PPC Indonesia
28. AffiliatesIndonesia